Creative Generation: Design

The first Creative Generation: Design program engaged 16 senior design students from metropolitan and regional Queensland as co-designers of an interactive exhibition space at the Queensland Art Gallery. Explore this resource to develop your own design responses to the ‘Creative Generation: Design’ exhibition.

Art and Design Gallery

View the artworks from the QAGOMA Collection that were used as stimulus for Creative Generation: Design students.

Mini-design Challenges

Explore objects through these mini design challenges that draw inspiration from artworks in the ‘Art and Design Gallery’.

Drawing Objects

Explore the relationship between art and design through drawing, objects and ideas. Find, observe, sketch and record objects that remind you of people, places and moments of importance in your life.

Hexagon Letter Fold

The hexagon letter fold is an exercise with direct links to the concept of slow design, an approach to design that invites people to slow down, to think and act in more local and sustainable ways. The fold requires people to slow down and make something simple with zero waste.