Mini-Design Challenges

As part of the program, the Creative Generation: Design students responded to four mini design challenges. The challenges encouraged students to experiment with objects in their own local settings as a means of thinking about people and places of importance to them.

Design Challenge #1

Refer to the work of Simryn Gill to create an object folio that includes:

• A photograph from the front of a local fresh food grocer

• A photograph of one fresh food item where it is displayed. Purchase the object and take it home.

• A photograph of a family area inside your home without anyone in the image and the food item placed in an everyday manner within the image

• A photograph from the natural environment in your suburb with text placed (with subtlety) into the image

Design Challenge #2

Refer to the work of Eugene Carchesio to extend your object folio to include:

• A rendered A4 drawing of an object that represents an important person in your life

• A dynamic pattern on A4 by repeatedly outlining a flat surface (like a lid or a 50c coin) to create a grid

Design Challenge #3

Explore the work of Ni Haifang as a work that raises questions about relationship between form and surface, form and function, and art and design. Create your own object with a surface that communicates meaning about a current moment in time.

• Collect five short quotations from a range of news media

• Write the text and/or draw images relating to the text onto the 2D template of a hexagonal form. This could be done by hand on a printed template or on the computer before printing the template.

• Fold the template into a 3D form and present your object as part of group

Design Challenge #4

Draw inspiration from Man Ray, Sonja and Elisa Carmichael.

• Collect a number of objects that could represent an individual. You might like to disassemble or break apart these object to add meaning.

• Arrange these objects onto a photocopier or scanner and compose an image

• Use image editing software to create the illusion of a cyanotype or photogram